Java Advanced Topics

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Java Advanced Topics

Java 8 Java 11 Java 17

Featuring logging, generics, threading, lambda functions, memory management and collections.

contains over 12 hours of video - equivalent to 4 days of live training.

  • This Advanced Java Training Course dives into topics that most professional Java developers will find invaluable.
  • The course is divided into 6 sections:
  • 1 - Collections : sorting lists and an in depth look at ArrayLists, LinkedLists, HashMaps and LinkedHashMaps.
  • 2 – Logging: How to get the most from your logging with Log4J, JUL (Java Util Logging), and Commons Logging.
  • 3 - Generics: How to use generics, creating our own generic classes and methods, dealing with warning messages. We also explain the complexities of the advanced generics syntax that you see in the Javadocs.
  • 4 – Lambda Functions: how functional programming is possible in Java 8, including functional interfaces and streams.
  • 5 – Threading: creating multi threaded applications, and underestanding the risks of threading. Including deadlocks, thread safety, and Java 5 concurrency features
  • 6 – Memory: we go deep into how memory works in Java - what's really happening in your programs. Including garbage collection, finding memory leaks, monitoring application performance, and tuning the JVM.
  • The course is written with Java 8, and has been validated for Java 11 and 17 also.
  • Please note that most of parts 1 and 6 of this course have been updated for Java 11 and can be found in our Optimising Application Performance course.

This course is aimed at Java developers with some experience working on Java projects.

Newer programmers will be able to follow the course as long as they have already learned the basics of java programming. We recommend you take Virtual Pair Programmers’ Java Fundamentals Course before starting Java : Advanced Topics.

The course is ideal for developers working with frameworks like Spring and Hibernate. There are a number of example spring and hibernate projects, taken from Virtual Pair Programmers’ other courses, which feature in this course, although you do not need any prior knowledge of Spring or Hibernate to take this course.

If you’re still a relatively novice java programmer, then don’t worry – you’ll be able to follow this course as long as you have learned the basics before you start – we recommend you take Virtual Pair Programmers’ Java Fundamentals Course – certainly that covers all the pre-requisites for this course.


Having problems? check the errata

Introduction 9m 50s

An overview of the course


Sorting Lists 24m 1s

How to sort Lists in Java, with the Comparable and Comparator interfaces.


Types of List 25m 44s

An in depth look at the ArrayList and LinkedList.


How HashMaps Work 23m 22s

How HashMap data is stored, and the purpose of the hashCode. How Linked HashMaps work.


Beginning Log4j 36m 1s

Why to use logging, what are logging events, appenders and severity levels, and how to configure version 2 of Log4J.


Going Further with Log4j 30m 3s

We explore the differences between versions 1 and 2 of Log4J, and see a working example with Spring. We’ll cover the rolling file appender, logging exceptions, and how to optimise logging code.


Java.util.logging 19m 55s

Differences between Log4J and JUL, and a worked example in JUL.


Logging facades 19m 41s

Why logging facades are used, and we’ll see Commons Logging in action. We’ll talk about SLF4J and JBOSS also.


Introducing Generics 14m 56s

What problems do Generics solve, and using built in Java classes that support generics.


Writing Generic Classes and methods 21m 15s

Creating our own generic classes and methods.


Handling Generics compiler warnings 27m 10s

Understanding the warning messages that Eclipse gives us when we use Generics, and strategies for resolving the warnings.


Generics with Wildcards 16m 50s

Approaches to using collections with multiple object types (interfaces, inheritance and Wildcards), and how to understand the complexities of generics syntax.


Lambdas in Java 8 34m 29s

An overview of functional programming and how it can add to the Java object model. Functional interface and lambda expression syntax.


Built in Functional Interfaces 24m 56s

The Function, Supplier, Consumer and Predicate functional interfaces and their variants.


Lambdas with Collections 18m 52s

Using the forEach method and sorting collections with Lambdas.


Introducing Streams 28m 14s

Manipulating collections using the new Java 8 Stream objects.


Lambdas Practical 21m 54s

A chance to put the lambda functionality into practice on a project.


Introducing Threading 10m 57s

What is threading and how modern processors work.


Writing a Thread 15m 35s

Writing our first threading code.


Synchronization and Thread Safety 22m 14s

The problems of thread-safety, the synchronized and volatile keywords.


Collections Thread Safety 24m 24s

Using collections in multi-threaded applications.


Thread Safety in Web Applications 13m 54s

How to ensure web applications (including Spring MVC) are thread-safe.


Avoiding Deadlocks 21m 20s

The problem of synchronization deadlocks and the wait and notifyAll methods.


Thread Process Flow 18m 49s

How to interrupt and chain threads. Should I catch the InterruptedException?


Java 5 Enhancements 31m 9s

How to create thread pools with Executor Services, the Callable interface, Locks and Conditions.


Memory Fundamentals 18m 30s

How java manages memory, explaining the stack and the heap.


Values and References 25m 1s

How varaibles are passed into methods, by value or by reference and what this means.


Escaping References 36m 10s

The problem of escaping references and strategies to avoid them.


Garbage Collection 42m 24s

Introduction to garbage collection, string itnernalization, garbage collection eligibility, the finalize method, and memory leaks.


Generational Garbage Collection 26m 45s

An in depth look at how the JVM collects garbage in an efficient way, monitoring the garbage collection process, and understanding PermGen memory issues.


Tuning the Virtual Machine 17m 14s

Options for adjusting the default behaviour and settings of the virtual machine.


Hunting for Memory Leaks 26m 2s

A practical session where we’ll looking at a real web application to detect and fix a memory leak.


Weak and Soft References 5m 59s

Weak references, Soft references and WeakHashmaps.


Course Summary 3m 41s

A final farewell

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