JavaEE and Wildfly Module 3: Messaging

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JavaEE and Wildfly Module 3: Messaging

featuring JMS and Message Driven Beans (MDB).

Over four hours of video, equivalent to a 2 day live training course.

  • Learn how to send and receive messages using the Java Messaging Service (JMS) with the WildFly Application Server.
  • You'll be using the Point-to-Point and Publish-Subscribe models, and you'll find out how to use batching and transactions to ensure message delivery.
  • With this course, you can build robust and scalable architectures!
You'll need some experience of working with and deploying to WildFly - you can get this by studying the first two modules in this series.


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Course Introduction 22m 0s

An overview of the JMS Library. Why do Messaging? The Point-to-Point and Publish/Subscribe models.


Sending a Message 30m 34s

Sending your first message to WildFly's ActiveMq Broker.


Receiving Messages 46m 35s

How to pull messages from the Queue.


Tuning Messages 20m 48s

How to set an expiry time and priority - and what guarantees do these settings offer?


Browsing Queues 15m 20s

You can write code to list the contents of a Queue.


The Publish-Subscribe Model 20m 28s

This model allows multiple receivers via a "subscription". This is more flexible than point-to-point, but it is also more complicated - you'll need to understand "durable" subscriptions.


Transactions and Batching 31m 52s

Often, you need to guarantee a message is definitely consumed, and that it is processed once only - we see how to do that here.


Sending from EJBs 25m 38s

Sending a message from an EJB is much easier than doing so manually.


Message Driven Beans (MDB) 19m 38s

An extremely useful form of EJB, an MDB is permanently connected to a Queue. We also see how multiple MDBs are pooled to give concurrent processing.


Handling Problems 20m 8s

What happens if a message fails to be processed?


Message Redelivery 21m 31s

We use ActiveMqs redeliver feature to handle transient problems such as network failure.

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