Kubernetes Microservices Module 2

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Kubernetes Microservices Module 2

with ELK/ElasticStack, Prometheus and Grafana.

Equivalent to 3 days of a live training course

  • In this second module we take our workload in to the cloud and deploy to a live AWS cluster.
  • Using the Kops tool, we manage the cluster from a simple command line with very little manual AWS work.
  • We set up monitoring and logging using the ELK/ElasticStack, with Prometheus and Grafana.
  • And we set up an alerting system which feeds into a Slack Channel.
Some previous experience of AWS will be useful, but all concepts are explained. Great care must be taken that you delete any resources as soon as you finish with them.


Having problems? check the errata

Introduction 2m 7s

Welcome to the course.


Networking and Service Discovery 35m 21s

How to use the DNS service in kubernetes


Cygwin users - how to fix the terminal problems 4m 52s

Just if you're on cygwin, how to use "winpty" to get back a proper terminal emulation.


Introducing Microservices 25m 34s

This material is borrowed from out earlier "Spring Boot Microservices" course, for anyone new to microservices


Deploying Microservices 62m 16s

A large worked example where we build a workload definition for a small but representative microservice system


Persistence 43m 33s

How to configure mount points. We show how a mongo database can be deployed as a pod.


Volumes 39m 39s

Volumes represent physical storage. Covered are PersistentVolumeClaims and StorageClasses


Moving to AWS 62m 11s

How to install kubernetes into your AWS account. Warning - you will be charged by Amazon for resources used in the rest of the course. The charges are small but if you neglect to delete your cluster you will incur ongoing (and high) bills.


Deploying a Workload to AWS 50m 51s

Now we'll see what changes are needed to our workload definitions now that we're in the cloud.


Deleting the Cluster 6m 20s

YOU MUST FOLLOW THIS CHAPTER BEFORE LEAVING THE COURSE! - We can't be responsible for any charges!


Restarting the Cluster 5m 34s

If you return to the course and need to re-start a cluster, it's easy.


Logging with the ELK/ElasticStack 66m 9s

How to apply cluster wide log monitoring with Fluentd, ElasticSearch and Kibana.


Monitoring 43m 12s

Monitor the health of your system with Prometheus and Grafana. Also, how to install packages with Helm.


Alerts 43m 57s

An introduction to how the AlertManager works. We'll also set up a slack channel integration.


Handling Alerts 17m 3s

also in this chapter: what happens if a master node crashes?


Discovering a Real Problem 13m 2s

There's a bug somewhere in the code - we find it through our monitoring system!


Goodbye 1m 57s

Course close - brief mention of federation and highly available masters

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